All of the team practices and tournaments will be added to the website calendar as an event and tagged for the appropriate team. Each team's events are displayed on the team page with a default view of the next five days. Clicking the View All link under the calendar will take you to the Calendar page. On the Calendar page, you can select between different views (Calendar View, Month List View, or Day View). You can also print the page or Subscribe to the RSS or iCal Feed (see below).
To see a combined view of multiple teams, you can select multiple "tags" on the calendar page.
Sport Ngin allows users to subscribe to iCalendar (iCal) feeds, which easily sync OBA calendar events with your personal calendar. The iCalendar Feeds are continuously synced with the most up-to-date calendars on your website, keeping subscribers aware of the latest additions and updates.
For more information on iCalendar Feeds see
What Desktop and Web Applications accept iCal Feeds?
To subscribe to a particular team's calendar. Access the team's page and click the iCal icon below the calendar. This will show a window with the link which will need to be copied into your calendar software.
If your family has children on multiple teams, you can combine the feeds into one. To accomplish this, access the team page for one of your players.