Evaluation dates and times have been finalized! All evaluations will be held at the Christian Family Church near Cabela’s. Times and dates are as follows:
Boys will be Friday, October 30th and Monday, November 2nd.
5th Grade – 5 pm – 6 pm both nights
6th Grade – 6 pm – 7 pm both nights
7th Grade – 7 pm – 8 pm both nights
8th Grade – 8 pm – 9 pm both nights
Girls will be Sunday, November 1st and Friday, November 6th.
5th Grade – Sunday 4 pm – 5 pm; Friday 5 pm – 6 pm
6th Grade – Sunday 5 pm – 6 pm; Friday 6 pm – 7 pm
7th Grade – Sunday 6 pm – 7 pm; Friday 7 pm – 8 pm
8th Grade – Sunday 7 pm – 8 pm; Friday 8 pm – 9 pm
Note: 4th grade will NOT have evaluations. We have 1 team for each for boys and girls so evaluations are not needed to divide teams.
Evaluation Procedures
We need to observe safety protocols for evaluations. Only players will be allowed into the building. Parents need to remain outside the building. Please have your athlete there no more than 10 minutes prior to the start of evaluations. Masks will be required at all times until evaluations begin. Players should plan to bring their own water bottle as drinking fountains won’t be available. Please encourage your player to maintain social distancing as they enter and exit the building.
Facility Usage
The school district recently agreed to allow certain outside organizations to utilize their facilities starting November 9th. This was an incredibly important decision for us as our ability to have a successful season would have been severely damaged without the ability to use our school gymnasiums! We are grateful for their recognition of the importance of youth athletics and for doing the work to help our players get back on the court. Please don’t forget to show your support for our schools in the upcoming election. We will begin the scheduling process with the goal of practices starting for teams the week of the 9th.
Return to Play COVID-19 Safety Procedures & Plan
The presence of COVID will force us operate very differently this season. OBA has published a Return to Play plan that outlines those changes. You can find that plan on our newly created COVID page (https://www.owatonnabasketball.com/covid). Please read through this document with your player so we all abide by the protocols. Our ability to use public gym space depends on us following these guidelines. More details and reminders will be sent prior to practices starting the week of the 9th. Continue to visit our COVID page on our website for any questions or updates throughout the season.
2020-2021 Season Waiver
Each player must have a completed waiver prior to participating in evaluations and practices. Please read, sign and return the completed waiver. You can complete a scanned copy and email it (mginskey@yahoo.com), drop off/mail a hard copy (PO Box 743), or bring the signed copy to evaluations. The waiver form is also found on our COVID page (https://www.owatonnabasketball.com/covid).
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